
匿名网友 | 2020-08-14 11:24


  • 如题,一切正常,也不卡顿,但是跑路的时候,走两步就停一下,无法连贯走/跑动。谁知道怎么回事啊????救命哦!!!!!!10号补丁和11号补丁都一个样。破解、正版也是。郁闷了………………………………
    跑步机家用评测 | 08-14 11:24
  • 龙之纪元暴走魔球怎么玩 在球的海洋中奔跑

  • 过一会,从四周那些奇怪的装置处会出现“>>>”的符号,有绿色有红色,有横的有竖的。接着就是喷出来的“球”了,有纯石头做的石球,也有带着火焰的火球。总之玩家的目的就是在这个小空间里不断地躲避飞驰而来的各种求,画面的右上方的信息表示玩家躲过了多少波,得到了多少的强化石。
  • (搬运)DA让物品永久高亮显示和自动奔跑的小程序

  • AUTORUN: Considering how much running around there is, it continues to amaze me that Mass Effect and Dragon Age do not have an autorun functionality. Well, now it does. If you set Numpad0 to the secondary MOVE FORWARD key, you can then use it as an autorun. Hitting Numpad0, W, or S, will toggle autorun off. If you would prefer a different autorun key, simply edit the file and change Numpad0 to the key you would prefer.