
匿名网友 | 2020-09-19 09:02


  • 1.TherearemanykindsofsportsthatIenjoy,suchasswimming,basketball,travellingandsoon.However,myfavoritesportisrunning.Inmymind,itisagoodactivitiesforpeopletokeephealthyandrelievethepressure.Af...
    跑步机家用评测 | 09-19 09:02
  • 我最喜欢的运动英语作文:我最喜欢的运动是跑步

  • Doing exercises is very important for everyone.If you want to do some things good,you must have a atheletic build,and then you can pay all your attention to your work or study with a good health.Running is a good way to keep fit.First,it can make your bonds flexible and keep far away from illness and kinds of pains.Secondly,running can make you become not lazy,and you can go outside,breathe the flesh air,and have an active body and a good mood.
  • 跑步是一种有益的运动用英语怎么说

  • running is a kind of beeficial sport.
  • 跑步运动,running英语短句,例句大全

  • 跑步机跑步机是家庭及健身房常备的器材,而且是当今家庭健身器材中最简单的一种,是家庭健身器的最佳选择。电动跑步机电动跑步机是健身房及家庭较高档的器材,它通过电机带动跑带使人以不同的速度被动地跑步或走动。由于被动地形成跑和走,从动作外形上看,几乎与普通在地面上跑或走一样,但从人体用力上看,在电动跑步机上跑、走比普通跑、走省去了一个蹬伸动作。正是这一点使每一个在电动跑步机上走跑的人感到十分轻松自如,可使人比普通跑步多跑1/3左右的路程,能量消耗也比普通走、跑为多。另外,由于电动跑步机上的电子辅助装备功能非常多,可体验不同的跑步环境,如平地跑、上坡跑、丘陵跑、变速跑等,您可根据您的锻炼目的进行选择。单功能跑步机单功能跑步机从结构上分为两类,一类是滚轮式跑步机,一类是平板式跑步机。滚轮式跑步机工作时噪音很大,已被淘汰。平板式跑步机是由人主动在上面运动,所以使人感到与普通跑步一样。它的电子表可帮助训练者记录下时速、时间、心率、热量、节拍、距离等指标。使您随时了解自己的训练情况,进行有目的的调整。多功能跑步机一台多功能跑步机是由跑步机、划船器、卧式健身车、放松机、腰旋器等功能器材组合而成,以功能多、占地少而受到一些人的喜爱。它的锻炼方法同普通跑步机一样,但从健身器所应具备的使用舒服、方便,技术动作准确合理上看,多功能跑步机有一定缺陷。新型跑步机现在实力雄厚的诺迪克径赛器材公司又推出了一种nordicsport新型跑步机。与普通跑步机相比,这种跑步机具有更佳的减肥效果。
  • 跑步运动英语作文

  • I like running, because I think it’s a funny and easy sport. I can do it by myself. I was not very healthy when I was a little child. So my father took me running with him. He said it’s good for me. At first, I didn’t like it at all. But after a few weeks, I felt great when I was running. Therefore, I go to running every three days. Now, some of my classmates run with me. We always talk to each other. I like this sport.