
匿名网友 | 2020-08-05 15:02


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    跑步机家用评测 | 08-05 15:02
  • 《Eat And Run英文原版 素食 跑步 修行》【摘要 书评 试读】

  • 划线价:商品展示的划横线价格为参考价,该价格可能是品牌专柜标价、商品吊牌价或由品牌供应商提供的正品零售价(如厂商指导价、建议零售价等)或该商品在京东平台上曾经展示过的销售价;由于地区、时间的差异性和市场行情波动,品牌专柜标价、商品吊牌价等可能会与您购物时展示的不一致,该价格仅供您参考。
  • 《素食 跑步 修行 英文原版 Eat And Run 素食与跑步 塑形 运动 跑步方法与技巧 实用素食食谱 斯科特尤雷》ScottJurek;SteveFriedman著【摘要 书评 在线阅读】

  • MY BRAINWAS on fire. My body was burning up. Death Valley had laid me out flat, and now it was cooking me. My crew was telling me to get up, thatthey knew I could go on, but I could barely hear them. I was too busy puking, then watching the stream of liquid evaporate in the circle of light from my headlamp almost as fast as it splashed down on the steaming pavement. It was an hour before midnight, 105 incinerating, soul-sucking degrees. This was supposed to be my time. This was the point in a race where I had made a career of locating hidden reservoirs of sheer will that others didn’t possess, discovering powers that propelled me to distances and speeds that others couldn’t match. But tonight, roasting on the pavement, all 1 could summon was the memory of a television commercial I had seen as a child. First there’s an egg in someone’s fingers and a voice says, “This is your brain.” Then the owner of the hand cracks the egg, and as it sizzles and crackles onto a hot skillet, the voice says, “And this is your brain on drugs” I saw that image in the scorching nighttime sky. I heard the disembodied voice. But what I thought was: “This is my brain on Badwater.”
  • 《英文原版 素食 跑步 修行 Eat And Run》【摘要 书评 试读】

  • 划线价:商品展示的划横线价格为参考价,该价格可能是品牌专柜标价、商品吊牌价或由品牌供应商提供的正品零售价(如厂商指导价、建议零售价等)或该商品在京东平台上曾经展示过的销售价;由于地区、时间的差异性和市场行情波动,品牌专柜标价、商品吊牌价等可能会与您购物时展示的不一致,该价格仅供您参考。
  • 素食跑步修行 mobi epub pdf txt 下载

  • 斯科特·尤雷克,他天生就不是运动好手:脊椎侧弯,大脚趾外翻,从小就有高血压。但在全素食的运动生涯中,他成长为美国长跑名将,被誉为“超马之神” 他每天吃这些:蔬菜:蘑菇、扁豆、辣椒、卷心菜……水果:草莓、苹果、香蕉、牛油果……谷物:燕麦、大米、藜麦…… 他获得以下赛事的世界**:连续2年恶水超马赛**,连续3年斯巴达松超马**,连续7年西部100英里耐力赛**。